The other day I wrote about the Employment (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 2018 which this month comes into operation and makes very serious changes to employment rights and so it impacts on casual contracts, tries to do away with zero hours contracts, imposes new obligations on employers e.g. to issue new employees with core conditions within 5 days of employment, and if a month passes without any contract, then the employer can be prosecuted in a criminal Court. So, for all employees and employers it is very important to know when this legislation commences, kicks in, right? Imagine my confusion when I hear a State sponsored ad on the radio just today saying all this will commence on the 4 March 2019, that is next Monday. All good? No! It doesn’t commence for another few weeks! How do I know? Well I read the 2018 Act and the first thing I note is that it passed into law on the 25 December 2018. I look then to section 1 which confirms and I quote : “that this Act……shall come into operation no later than 3 months after the date of its passing. “Which is the 25 March 2019. Am I wrong? what does a lowly , rural lawyer know against the resources of the State….
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