
Over the years legislation has been implemented to protect employees in the workplace. As a result of this we are seeing a lot more claims being brought by employees against their employers. Even the failure to provide an employee with a contract of employment can see the employee being awarded up to 4 weeks’ salary in compensation!

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is for every employer to provide their employees with a contract of employment. Not only is it a requirement under Irish law but a well drafted contract will give the employer control over how the employment relationship will work.

Certain terms will always be implied into the contract be it by law or otherwise, however other clauses must be expressly stated in a contract if an employer wishes to rely on them.  Examples include a “Probationary Period” clause, a “Right to Search” clause and “Restrictive Covenant”.

Talk to us today about contracts of employment on 021-4943912 or alternatively email eadaoin.odwyer@tjos.ie.